
By Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association (other events)

Thursday, May 5 2016 9:00 AM 5:00 PM EST


Join us! Philadelphia area news media, community groups and anyone interested in voter education and engagement are encouraged to contribute and participate in the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association’s #HacktheVotePA Hackathon on May 5, at Philadelphia Media Network in Philadelphia.

Create apps, video, APIs, social media, games, combinations — anything that creatively and effectively increases voter education and engagement in Pennsylvania. To kick off your brainstorming, you may want to look at some existing organizations, such as OpenAccessPHL, a group of Philadelphians working at the intersection of technology, innovation, and civic participation, Project VoteSmart, an organization committed to providing free, factual and unbiased information on candidates and elected officials, or the League of Women Voters, which has worked for many decades to engage and inform potential voters.  

Come with a team, or join one there. You can have a pitch ready, or wait to see what others say and add your energy to the effort! The winning team will also earn a cash prize!

Details: $10 per person; includes breakfast, boxed lunch, networking reception from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

About the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association: Founded in 1925, PNA is the nonprofit trade association for print and online media in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Its mission is to advance the business interests of Pennsylvania news media companies and to promote a free and independent press. It has more than 300 newspaper and media members, including daily, weekly, and college newspapers and online publications. To learn more, visit